Saturday, 26 September 2015

Desert journey

I finished my third quilt from my desert journey and like all journeys there were some twists and turns, some un-sewing and re-sewing, joys and sorrows, excitement and reticence, letting go and gathering and then the final run to the finish line.
It's not perfect, but that's a lesson of life as well. Maybe the most freeing for me, who likes things to be perfect.....

Abba, Father, Amma, Mother, Give me a word.
Go into your cell, It'll teach you everything.
detail of the writing on the quilt

55 words extracted from my daily readings, ready to be given away and be of inspiration to some one else. It is interesting to see what one person gets out of a text and how those words are then interpreted by others. I like the adventure in that, but then I'm an adventurous person.
By the way 55 is a number in the Fibonacci sequence also known as the golden mean ( An interesting idea that was used by all the great builders, architects and artists in the olden days. The Parthenon in Greece was designed with this principle, the Notre Dame in Paris was designed this way and Michelangelo and his fellows used this sequence in most of their art and design work. When you make a picture of the sequence it forms a spiral, that you find back in many things in nature: the heart of a sun flower, the spirals of shells and horns, galaxies and cloud formations, etc. Oh, and of course it was used to design the labyrinth in the Chartres cathedral.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Exile 2

Last week I went into self-imposed exile as I went to SK to deliver some stuff in Caronport. Originally it was supposed to be a road trip for two, but Terry had to stay a bit longer with his mom in Holland. I had planned this trip to visit some "wild" landscapes: the Sand Hills near Sceptre and Writing on Stone park in AB. I think unconsciously I have something with the number 3. Or as they say "good things come in three". I was gifted with extra time so I was able to add a visit to Cypress Hills. To sum up these 3 sites, 3 words come to mind: fear, awe and respect.  As I'm getting to know both my self and God, these 3 words pretty much say it all. It starts with a sense of unsettledness/apprehension at my own darkness and God's greatness. Then I stand back in awe and wonder at God's mercy and how he transforms me and slowly I learn to respect my real self as it is transformed by God, which leads to praise  and respect for my creator. Not that I am perfect, but bit by bit I learn to let go of all my masks and let God put some new make-up on my face.
Coming back I was inspired to put my thoughts down and I worked on the desert quilts.
As promised here are the first two:
Flames in the desert

Streams in the desert