Monday, 15 December 2014

Light & joy

This week we lighted the candle of joy. My heart hasn't feeling any joy lately as I'm still processing the horrific stories of rape and suffering in Rwanda and the DRC. How can I feel joy, knowing of all the women suffering there and in the rest of the world? Then God reminded me that it was exactly into such a world that He became Emanuel. The message of Christ is light and peace and joy!
But still there is this nagging feeling and question: yes, but it's not just a message and it doesn't mean anything if this message doesn't push us into actions to share this in a world steeped in suffering and darkness.
So I will continue to quilt and use my gifts to shine light into the dark places, wherever I can help. I will seek out places where I can listen to the stories of the suffering and voiceless. I will hug and comfort those who are mourning through my quilts.

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