Saturday, 15 February 2020


In my busy mind ideas and images come and go. A lot of times it feels like a big crock pot and things are stewing around. I think scientists are on to something when they talk about the primordial stew so many million years ago. I can relate to that when I think about my own creative processes. There are bits and pieces that are put into the brain and they mix and mingle, making new connections, until one day: BOOM! An idea takes shape and form and comes to live in word or picture. 
I've been intrigued a long time by this pattern of an ancient labyrinth in Algeria:

It has many optical patterns in a square. How many do you see?
Since it is a square it lends itself perfectly for a quilt pattern........ At least in my analytical, pattern seeking mind.......

A new creation comes to live. But wait there's  more!
Another pattern comes to mind........


Another idea takes shape.
But wait there's more............
I love this pattern of 4 hearts surrounding the cross in a Celtic knot. I also love labyrinths and there is a pattern in my file somewhere..............

Et Voila! A combination of ingredients from the stew result in a whole new creation. Isn't it amazing how our brain works and comes up with these things?
Stay posted for what is stewing now!

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